Buy me an apartment

Pictures from TrendHome
Loving the interior of this 5000 square feet San Francisco loft. Stunning.
For me, the open plan design and abundant natural lighting make this place very charming. Plus I love sunlight and big spaces since I'm a bit claustrophobic.

If this still doesn't appeal to you, what about the description of the roof?
"The roof line is adorned with multiple skylights including a 16 x 20 foot retractable center skylight that literally brings the outdoors inside".  
Retractable center skylight! 

All it's missing is... me living in it.


Elle Sees said...

Yeah I could hang out on the roof, oh yeah

trishie said...

Stunning indeed! How incredible is the sky light?

xix said...

Oh...if you're buying that apartment, can you buy me one too? :P
I adore the spaciousness of this place, and the overhead beams!

♥ xixia |

Jo N said...

Imagine the nice parties one can host.

Jo N said...

I know right? The skylight is my fave

Jo N said...

I dont think I can afford one. It's a nice thing to daydream about.

Shoko said...

WHAT. Is this for real?! Amazing!

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