London vs Paris

All images from london vs paris

Found this lovely photographic blog by two mums. One living in London, the other in Paris. Every Monday and Friday, they post pictures from London and Paris based on a decided theme which ranges from train tickets, trees to red doors. Great shots of simple things found in their daily lives. A fun way to compare the subtle differences of the two cities, while enlightening us on the little charms they each hold.

I have to say I like both cities. It's hard to pick one over the other. They have different yet appealing areas that I adore and dislike. What I don't like? Weather for London and dog poo for Paris.

Which city do you prefer?

Temp in Sydney reached a top of 42degrees today. I hope everyone in Sydney find ways to stay cool. Weather stations have predicted temp to stay around 32 at midnight. It's going to be a long night.


Travel Gourmande said...

This is a beautiful post, Jo. A lovely comparison of two great cities. I still dream of visiting London one day. The photo booth somehow reminds me of the film Amelie. I'm now back in Dubai.

alice {sweet dreamer} said...

Paris! I'm convinced it's my motherland - if I could only speak French...


How clever! O yes, the dog poo. I have to say London please. Trust you are enjoying the start of a lovely, blessed new year :)

Courtney said...

What an awesome idea! I've never been to either city but both are on my list of places to visit. Both have such a romantic appeal!

trishie said...

Oh that is such a cool photography project. I visit both London and Paris years ago and I actually prefer London.

helen said...

HOW COOL!!! i love it!! i love both london and paris. can't wait to check out the blog now :)

Winnie said...

Oh how adorable - I love this idea. Totally agree with you on the dog poo paris thing though - the first time I ever visited - this is what I remembered!

Anonymous said...

definitely without a doubt, paris. it's such a gorgeous city, even in the wet, it's amazing.

Unknown said...

We've been hearing about the record-breaking heat in Australia over here! The London vs. Paris blog sounds like my kind of blog, although I have to say I WILDLY prefer London. I gave Paris two shots -- once in the winter and once in the spring (because so many nice things are said about Paris in the spring), probably spending about 10-15 days there in total, but I just didn't find myself loving it, or even liking it very much. I think it just reminds me too much of New York, but its metro system slightly more difficult to navigate, and its people snobbier (much of it was probably due to the language barrier, although I did attempt to use my 5 years of high school French and was pretty much immediately shot down every time). I did meet two waiters who were extremely hospitable, though, so I have that to hold onto. I will give it another shot eventually, but it probably won't be for a long time, after I've hit up many of the other places I've been wanting to go.

Indi C said...

Just found your blog through fromtheloftabove :-) Loving it

I would say London every time though I do love Paris also.

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