Apple Salad

1/4 teaspoon fine grain sea salt
12 rosemary leaves, minced (the spiky needles)
1 medium garlic clove, peeled
1 teaspoon sugar 
1/2 cup /120 ml crème fraîche (or sour cream)
2 1/2 teaspoons white wine vinegar 
Freshly ground black pepper to taste
3 large celery stalks, sliced see-though thin (reserve any celery leaves)
2 crisp, flavorful heirloom apples, cut into sixths, and then thinly sliced*
4 handfuls arugula, baby gems, or baby romaine
1/3 cup toasted hazelnuts, walnuts, almonds, or pine nuts
My salad

Has anyone regretted what they 'promised' or wrote down for their New Year resolutions so far? I have. Why oh why did I exclude salads from my learn to cook declaration? Anyways I found this really yummy looking recipe on 101 cookbooks, a pretty food journal (go have a look) and decided to give it a try.

It was the first time I used sour cream to make salad dressing and now I'm hooked. The best part of the recipe is that it matches really well with the apples. Perfect combo. I even made this twice in a week. I didn't particularly like the garlic taste so I took that out the second time. I had rocket (arugula) and spinach. As for the nuts, I tossed whatever I had at home which included peanuts, pine nuts etc. Quick and easy. All ready to eat in less than 5 mins.


Megan said...

This looks like heaven in a bowl! I love apples in a salad, especially with nuts {think Waldorf salad}

Travel Gourmande said...

That salad looks refreshing and is making my tummy growl.

Unknown said...

5 minutes is so little time, even for a salad! I have to admit I don't like apples in my salads, but adding rosemary and salt to it might make it appealing enough for me to try.

Unknown said...

P.S. Arugula and spinach are my favorite salad greens!

Courtney said...

Yum! Sounds delicious and fresh and healthy and I wish I had a bowl of it in front of me right now!

As far as New Year resolution regrets? Nah, I just keep adding to my list as the days go on. Might just have to add "EAT MORE APPLE SALAD" to mine.

Rowena @ rolala loves said...

This seems like it would be very refreshing and a little crunch is always nice in a salad. I'm all for recipes that take less than 5 minutes to prep. Thanks for sharing!

Rowena @ rolala loves
Enter my Shabby Apple Necklace Giveaway!


O good grief, that looks absolutely delicious. I love apples, and it's great to learn new ways of enjoying them :)

Marlen said...

i usually hate salads but this looks pretty yummy! i just maaaay try it ;)

Deppa said...

Oh I really want to try this!
Thanks for share :D

See you!

trishie said...

This looks really good! I love apples in salads

Shoko said...

ah, sounds delicious! yum!

Winnie said...

That salad looks so good!

xix said...

Ah, 101Cookbooks is one of my favorite sites (partly because of just how beautifully it's designed (: ).
I really want to try this out sometime - the sour cream intrigues me.

X i x i a ❥

Deidre said...

Yum, it looks absolutely DELICIOUS. I love a good delicious salad.

helen said...

this looks AMAZING. i love the apple/arugula/nut combo!! i must give this a try...salads are totally in the learn to cook category!

Anonymous said...

what an awesome website! thanks for posting about it! the recipe looks wonderful!

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