Snapshots #4 - Taiwan & Hong Kong pictures


Hello, I'm alive and back at work. I have been busy unpacking, doing laundry and tidying after my 2 week absence. I have a million pics to sort but for the time being here are some of the pics from my phone.

The trip was fun but too short. Yes, I did get lost (many times) and there were indeed lots of hand movements/signing used when communicating but I had a great time. Taipei was particularly fascinating. The people over there were super friendly (at least to me) and the strange food concoctions were oh-so-yummy. If I was to compare Taipei to a city, I would call it the lovechild of Tokyo + Kuala Lumpur.

Hong Kong, on the other hand, fail to captivate me. It's similar to Singapore but much busier and louder. Maybe I'm just not a big fan of crowds and how commercial and brand-conscious it is? Don't get me wrong, I had a memorable time there - especially the neighbourhood I stayed at on Hong Kong Island. It had little lanes filled with small, quirky shops that sold items ranging from antiques, traditional medicine, herbs, books to bakeries and cafe. I also really like the islands and the harbour at night.

I'm itching to travel again. Family is planning a trip to China (another place I have yet to visit) in March/April. Thinking of tagging along but sadly I do not think I will be able to accumulate enough leave. Hmm... what to do?


Stephanie said...

Lovely shots! I like both places, but I agree, I love Taiwan more. These photos make me miss Taiwan so much more! The food is always delicious!

helen said...

looks like such a blast!!!! i especially like the picture of all the shoes! would love to visit sometime

Travel Gourmande said...

Welcome back. :) Packing and unpacking are my least favorite but I'm ready to overlook them for a great vacation-- like your travel photos. Glad to hear you had a great time.

Deidre said...

Your photos are gorgeous! I hear ya about not having enough leave to travel all the places that I want to go!

Shoko said...

oh these are wonderful! i think i've caught the travel bug :)


Brilliant shots! Yes, I've heard Hong Kong is way busier than Singapore, which I can hardly imagine, since I already find Singapore crowded enough! Trust you are all settled back home now and doing well :)

alice {sweet dreamer} said...

This reminds me of the time I spent in Taiwan (which was years ago!) I think it's a really underrated travel destination. Everyone there was so lovely and the food we had was divine!

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